Dream Catchers Charters
Dream Catchers Charters
Layout Duck Hunting
Layout Duck Hunting
An exciting and different approach to duck hunting. Utilizing UFO NXT GEN layout boats with a 450 lb Coast Guard rating and extremely realistic decoys. Hunters will be placed in the layouts and have full communication through radios with the tender boat. Hunts can take place on Lake St. Clair, Lake Huron and the Saginaw Bay of Lake Huron. Species targeted vary greatly however the main species are Redheads, Canvasback, Bluebill and Bufflehead on LSC. Other species that show up are Ruddy, Surf Scoter, Goldeneye and Old Squaw. On Lake Huron and the Saginaw Bay the main targeted species is Old Squaw a.k.a Longtail ducks with chances at Surf and White Wing Scoter.
Layout hunts are fully equipped and hunters are responsible for licenses, weather appropriate clothing and snacks/drinks (non alcoholic only) and gun and ammo. As regulations can vary area to area and especially state to state we are happy to help in any way we can to provide an easy trip.
The tender boat is a 22ft custom built boat equipped with a 2022 Mercury Pro XS 150 hp and high end electronics as well as safety gear.
Lake St. Clair
Lake St. Clair
Price is per hunter with a 3 hunter minimum. Maximum 4 hunters
Lake Huron
Lake Huron
Price is per hunter with a 3 hunter minimum. Maximum 4 hunters
Saginaw Bay
Saginaw Bay
Price is per hunter with a 3 hunter minimum. Maximum 4 Hunters
Larger groups
Larger groups
Larger groups can be accommodated with notice.